1.In his view it would be better to start again with a fully vetted staff and a new ethos.
2.But now, slowly the slab is falling down on my head and I could start again. I miss our fans, the concerts and all around it.
3.Can you imagine the relief when people can start again with not just a clean sheet, but with the advantage of being funded once more.
4.So, if we do it once more, you see the point now is at the top, and now it's at the bottom. And then we start again.
5.But if I were to start again, and had to pick one or two, it would be the one or two listed below.
6.Two days later the watch stopped. Sidney could not make it start again. He took it back to the shop.
7.They argue that it would be better to do nothing now, wait for an old-fashioned fiscal crisis to force the issue, and then start again.
8.I am really enjoying the long, slow lovemaking that never really ends; we just take a break and start again the next day.
9.If one were to start again, one might be caught in another illusion, perhaps in a different manner.
10.And as they repeatedly knock it down and start again , learning is happening as a sort of by- product of play .